Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Essay Reflection

Ideas and Content
My ideas and content are appropriate because of the significance to my main idea. Through both my explanations and my quotations. One way that I showed this is through my explanation in my Julius Caesar essay."Whenever Cassius speaks of Caesar you can hear sense the envy in his words and his deep hatred of Caesar. You can also see that Cassius is very envious of Caesar because he only speaks badly of Caesar". I used a good quote and explained it well when I showed that Cassius was jealous of Caesar and wanted the power. I think that I can improve instead of writing sentences that sometimes repeat I will write a new idea in every sentence so that I don't bore the reader and I am able to incorporate more ideas into my essay.

My essay shows appropriate organization in a few ways. First of all I used a logical sequence when I'm explaining my reasons because in both essays I led into the the next paragraph with the first one. I made sure that I followed not only what I thought was right but also the organization of the story because then the audience will be able to follow along. I think that my essays are well organized, but I still think that I need to work on keeping the reader interested. If i don't have a well organized essay that keeps the reader interested they will be bored by the end and not want to read it.

Personal Growth
I note quite a few improvements between my Alchemist essay and my Julius Caesar essay. First of all I made my writing easier to follow and not all over the place making it so confusing for the reader. I did this by following a logical order and also flowing into my next idea well instead of just stating it. I also improved a lot on explaining my quotes. I was very confused about how to explain my quote and ended up not doing a very good job on it, but on my next essay I was able to explain my quote and why I chose it very well.

When ever I write an essay I always use the SLR Think Creatively. When ever I'm writing an essay I try to think about how I will be able to write the essay well but also creatively. I want my essays to be creative yet thoughtful and easy to read so I think of new ways of how to make my sentences and paragraphs flow so that the reader will read it well. I also think creatively when I am trying to find a way to incorporate all my ideas into a paragraph and not make it to repetitive.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Many Faces of Caius Cassius

The Many Faces of Caius Cassius

“I was born as free as Caesar; so were you” page 32 line 96. In the play Julius Caesar Cassius, one of the conspirators that brings down Caesar, believes that Caesar is the same as everybody else. Cassius despises Caesar and everything he does and believes that Caesar isn’t right for Rome. Cassius believed Caesar had to be brought down and stopped before he becomes a tyrant so that he can save himself but also all of Rome from the life of which Caesar would bring. Cassius’ motivating forces to end Caesar’s reign as king before it began were: his strong sense of jealousy toward Caesar as well as for the greater good of Rome.

Though in the play Cassius is viewed as the evil and envious one of the conspirators but he does show that he wants the best for Rome. Cassius believes that Caesar is weak and that Caesar shouldn’t be a tyrant because of how he will react to all the power. Since Cassius wanted the good for Rome he was part of a conspiracy set to start the downfall of Caesar. Cassius explains to Brutus that Caesar is not as mighty and, as all of Rome believes he is. “We have both fed as well, and we can both Endure the winter’s cold as well as he” page 32 lines 97-98. Cassius shows to Brutus how Caesar is not more important or stronger then anyone else in Rome and shouldn’t be treated as he is. Cassius is giving evidence to Brutus how Caesar is not anything more than a Roman and shows that Cassius believes that Caesar will do Rome no good by becoming king. Cassius believes that Caesar will take all power for himself leaving Rome in ruins and he does not want that for his country so he needs to stop Caesar. Cassius then goes on to show how Caesar is not only a normal Roman but less than one. Cassius worked with Caesar when they fought many battles and Cassius knows that Caesar is not quite the leader Rome believes he is. “Ye gods, it doth amaze me A man of such a feeble temper should So get the start of the majestic world, And bear the palm alone.” Page 34 lines 127-130. Cassius is explaining to Brutus how Caesar, so strong and mighty in public, is actually weak and does not deserve the power of a king. This shows a different side of Cassius then the audience is used to because here he believes that Caesar is to weak to bear being king. Cassius shows that since Caesar is to weak to be king that he would do nothing but bad for Rome. Even though Cassius is not portrayed as the most honorable and noble person he still fights for the best for Rome which is with out Caesar.

Cassius is portrayed as having a deep hatred for Caesar and being envious of all the power that he has which is another motivating factor for him. Through his speech Cassius shows that he believes Caesar is weak and that the two are equals but also hints on that he wants the power. Whenever Cassius speaks of Caesar you can hear sense the envy in his words and his deep hatred of Caesar. You can also see that Cassius is very envious of Caesar because he only speaks badly of Caesar. Cassius doesn’t believe that Caesar is anything great and they are equals so Caesar deserves no special treatment. “And this man is now become a god, and Cassius is A wretched creature, and must bend his body if Caesar carelessly but nod on him” page 34 lines 114-117. Once Caesar defeated Pompey Caesar was viewed with so much respect that anyone in his presence must bow to him no matter whom they are. Cassius shows his burning envy for Caesar because he shows extremes by comparing Caesar to a god and himself a low life creature that has to respect a man he despises. Cassius shows his envy for Caesar’s power here because he compares Caesar to a god when he really isn’t but in the eyes of the Romans he is. Cassius continues to prove to Brutus that Caesar has become a god in the eyes of the Roman while the rest are left behind. “Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs” page 36 lines 133-135. Cassius is saying here that Caesar has become a god and the he is so much higher than the rest of the Romans that they are only as high as Caesar’s legs are. Cassius is envious of Caesar because since Caesar has become a god like figure he has left the rest of Rome behind him. You can see how much Cassius envies Caesar here because he is giving strong imagery of how Caesar is so much higher above the rest of the Romans and all of his explanation shows how he yearns to have the power that Caesar does. Even though there is a sense that Cassius is going to kill Caesar to not only benefit himself but the rest of Rome as well his main motivator to kill Caesar was his envy for Caesar.

Cassius believed that Rome needed to be rid of Caesar and since Caesar is power hungry the only way to stop him is to kill him. Through out the play the public of Rome and the other characters view Cassius as envious and hating Caesar he still does show that he wants the best for Rome as well. Cassius was able to convey his driving forces through his speech from showing how Caesar is weak and not right for Rome to the great god that Caesar has become from the eyes of the public. I believe that Cassius only completed part of his goal but that part was the goal he believed was necessary. Cassius was able to assassinate Caesar and keep Rome a democracy, which was his short-term goal, but he ended up in a civil war, which he ended up killing himself. I believe that Cassius’ goal wasn’t noble in the long run because he did what was right for Rome at the beginning but in the end he sent Rome into a civil war and decided to kill himself. The goal was a little worthy because all he was able to save Rome from the tyranny that Caesar might have brought but that is it. Cassius then sent Rome into a civil war causing chaos, death and destruction that only brought Rome down. In the end I believe that Cassius did achieve his short-term goal of keeping Caesar out of power but in the long run he did nothing to benefit Rome or for him self.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lost Boys Collage

Think Creatively!
Identify and discuss some of the creative elements of your collage.
A few of the creative elements in my collage are in the way that I presented my photos. One of the ways that I presented my pictures was the puzzle piece effect between the oil and money. I put these two with the puzzle piece effect because of how they go together. One of the reasons for the civil war was because of the money and oil that was in Sudan so they both, together, caused the conflicts that led to the civil war. This is one of the many ways that I used creativity in my collage.
Reason Critically!
How did you use the images and text that you selected to highlight your understanding of the Lost Boy’s situation?
A few ways that I highlighted my understanding's of the Lost Boy's situation was from the meaningful pictures and text. One way that I have shown that I understand the Lost Boys' situation is that their are two sides of their situation. I have shown even though that there was so much destruction and chaos in Sudan, once they moved to the US they had more hope and chances. Another way I have shown the Lost Boys' situation is by how there are the pictures showing the problems in Sudan but also showing the hope and opportunities they have in the US. This is how I have highlighted that I understand the Lost Boys' situation.
Communicate Effectively!
Explain how your collage creates awareness for the Lost Boys’ plight.
My collage created a lot of awareness for the Lost Boys' plight through my pictures but also my text. All my pictures have a separate and significant meaning. First of all my collage you can see and clearly undersand every part of my collage. Another way that I created awarness for the Lost Boys' plight was that you can see all the highs and lows that the Lost Boys' experienced, such as the war and some graduating high school. You can also see their plight because of my text. I used words that I felt that the Lost Boys' might have felt through their plight form beginning to end. This is why I believe I created an awareness to the Lost Boys' plight,
Live Ethically!
Explain how you think your collage demonstrated empathy and might evoke an emotional response from your viewers and/or incite them to act.
I think that my collage demonstrated empathy quite well. I used very meaningful pictures that but not just death and destruction I used pictures that shows how I know what the Lost Boys' experienced. I think that my collage created and emotional response from people because I highlighter the chaos and destruction so the audience will see all that happened in Sudan and how horrible it was. Once the audience had a feeling in empathy I provided them with a way to help with the situation on Sudan. I chose he Save Darfur picture because it shows that not only the Dinka boys are in trouble but all of Sudan is and the colors, green and white, stand out from all the dark, gloomy colors so the audience will be able to see the picture.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Highs and Lows of Life in America

From the documentary "The Lost Boys" thousands of boys were forced to leave their homes, forced migration, because of a fierce civil war between the Northern and Southern parts of Sudan. Once at a refugee camp in Kenya the orphaned boys lived their lives there until their name was picked to be sent to America to start a new life. These boys were promised a better life where they can gain an education and make money to support their families back home, but once in America they don't find what they have been told to be true.

One of the Lost Boys followed in this documentary was named Peter. Peter was sent to America with no family to work and gain an education so that he can come back to Sudan to support his family. Once he arrived in Houston, Texas he shared an apartment with a few other Sudanese refugees. Peter found it very hard to live in this environment for a few reasons. First of all because the apartment was in a low cost housing area with only bear necessities. This meant that the area was very cramped which was especially hard for Peter because the area soon became very unhygienic. Another reason he found it hard to live in this area was because of the security. While living in the apartment the door was forced open by robbers and their money was stolen from them. Peter decided to leave Houston and go to Kansas where he would share a house with more Sudanese refugees but not only because of the living environment,

Peter also left Houston because he felt that he wasn't achieving what he was sent to America to do. First of all Peter was sent to America to gain an education. While in Houston Peter could not find a school to get into because of his age. Peter didn't have much money so he couldn't pay for college and was to old for high school but learnt that he could go to Kansas and they would be able to get a new birth certificate and get him into high school. Peter was also sent to America to make enough money so that he can support his family back home. When Peter was in Houston he had a job but it was a minimum wage job so he decided he needed more money so he went to Kansas to find a better job. Even though Peter was able to get into high school and make a little more money for his family back home he still had a very hard time adjusting to the culture.

Both Peter and Santino had a hard time adjusting to the culture but Peter found fitting in easier. Even though Peter found it easier he still had some problems. Once Peter moved to Kansas he made friends of different races and he also liked a girl from the US. Peter made some friends and was invited to gather with some of his friends, which were all Christian, who all participated in a religious gathering but Peter found it hard and decided not to participate. Peter also found adjusting to the American culture hard because he is unsure of how things work. He doesn't have a girlfriend because he doesn't know what to do but he does capture a bird for a girl he likes which would be a sign of affection in Sudan but the girl is confused about why he caught her a bird.

Though Peter is beginning to adapt to life in the US, he has yet to fully accustom to the new culture and lifestyle. Peter begins to find life easier and is beginning to become part of the US culture.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Julius Caesar Passage

Another general shout!
I do believe that these applauses are
For some new honours that are heap'd on Caesar.

Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs and peep about
To find ourselves dishonourable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that 'Caesar'?
Why should that name be sounded more than yours?
Write them together, yours is as fair a name;
Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well;
Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with 'em,
Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar.
Now, in the names of all the gods at once,
Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed,
That he is grown so great? Age, thou art shamed!
Rome, thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods!
When went there by an age, since the great flood,
But it was famed with more than with one man?
When could they say till now, that talk'd of Rome,
That her wide walls encompass'd but one man?
Now is it Rome indeed and room enough,
When there is in it but one only man.
O, you and I have heard our fathers say,
There was a Brutus once that would have brook'd
The eternal devil to keep his state in Rome
As easily as a king.

That you do love me, I am nothing jealous;
What you would work me to, I have some aim:
How I have thought of this and of these times,
I shall recount hereafter; for this present,
I would not, so with love I might entreat you,
Be any further moved. What you have said
I will consider; what you have to say
I will with patience hear, and find a time
Both meet to hear and answer such high things.
Till then, my noble friend, chew upon this:
Brutus had rather be a villager
Than to repute himself a son of Rome
Under these hard conditions as this time
Is like to lay upon us.

I am glad that my weak words
Have struck but thus much show of fire from Brutus.

The games are done and Caesar is returning.

As they pass by, pluck Casca by the sleeve;
And he will, after his sour fashion, tell you
What hath proceeded worthy note to-day.

In this passage Caesar has just returned from defeating Pompey in a battle. The Romans are all out celebrating the triumph of Caesar. When Caesar goes out to talk to the Romans Cassius and Brutus do not join in and are talking of Caesar becoming king of Rome. This is a significant passage because Cassius is planning a conspiracy against Caesar to top him from gaining any power and he needs more followers who are influential. This is the beginning of the conspiracy so the this is the turning point in the story and if Cassius is able to get Brutus to join his cause the conspiracy will be able to happen. This is only the start of when Brutus is getting brought in but the most significant.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Lottery

I would name the story "The Town's Lottery" because the odd one out is not the winner but the town is. Since Mrs. Hutchison got the black dot she didn't win anything but she loss, and the rest of the town's people won.

I felt that "winning" the lottery was not a good thing for a few reasons. One reason was because when the two kids didn't win they were happy and smiling, another was that when Mrs. Hutchinson got the black dot she was reluctant to show it, and finally Mrs. Hutchinson was screaming that it wasn't fair so I figured that it was something horrible happening to her.

When I didn't receive the end of the story I was held in suspense about what was going to happen so I asked questions about what's happening. I felt nervous at first because I wasn't sure what it was and also because I had the black dot which I thought at the time was something bad. I thought that it was the end of the story and maybe some explanation about it as well. I followed the instructions written on the paper because not having the ending left me in suspense during the day and I began creating the ending in my head so I waited to see if I was right. I waited because even though I didn't enjoy the feeling of suspense to much I waited until 5:00 p.m.

The black box confused be at the beggening of the day when we first came in because I didn't know what we were going to use it for and once we we read the story i knew it was for the lottery. I was nervous when I drew a black spotted paper because I didn't like being the one singled out because of how Mrs. Hutchinson reacted so I was really nervous about what was going to happen.

I was really shocked at what I read because I didn't think that the stones had any significance and that the death was so brutal for Mrs. Hutchinson. I felt shocked and a little sorry for Mrs. Hutchinson because she did nothing wrong but only drew the wrong slip of paper and she had to die for it.

My predictions were no where near correct because I predicted that Mrs. Hutchinson would have to do something for the town, like harvesting corn, but nothing like being killed. I felt very confused and when I read the end of the story because it was no where near what I thought it would be. I was held asking questions about the story and about what was happening at the time.

I think if the part where the town people pick up the stones wasn't in the ending I would have made a better guess about what would happen in the end. If I read that they picked up the stones before the void I would have thought that something horrible would happen to Mrs. Hutchinson.

The author left these voids in the story to create tension in the audience so that they would be asking questions about what happens and finish reading the book. She also created these voids so that the audience will ask questions and be in suspense and then they will want answers so they keep reading.

Since I didn't get any title or author information I could make no connections to what might happen and since I had no ending I asked questions about what the ending would be and what happens. The text clues gave me ideas about what would happen but there was no way to know for sure so I was questioning what would end up happening in the end and the mystery paper made me think about what was inside and once I guessed that it was the ending I asked myself again what's the ending going to be? The delayed ending created a lot of suspense in me because I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen and why that Mrs. Hutchinson reacted as she did.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Power of the Void

Part 1
The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the (silence) attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly sucessful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I think by putting the silence right before listing what each student would develop would create a lot of tension in the audience. I believe that this place would be appropriate because when you add a void it keeps the audience curious about what their children will be learning and developing at ISKL. This also keeps people listening and paying attention because what there child would learn is a very important part of how they choose schools. This would make the audience very nervous and anxious about the school's curriculum so they wait for the answer listening intently. That is why I believe putting a silence before telling the audience what their kids will be developing and learning is the best place to put a void.

Part 2

One way that composers can create tension in a piece of music is with a pause. This would cause a lot of tension because the audience would be very confused about where the music has gone and also why it has gone but also anxious for the music to come back. A composer could create the release of the tension by starting the music again answering any questions and also hooking a few more audience members to listen more intently. The composer can make this most important by using a crescendo before the void so the listener would think that the music would keep growing but then suddenly it stops. That is one way the composers can create tension and a release through music.
