"The School of Athens" ~ Rafael
If I were to be a character in the famous fresco "The School of Athens" I would be Plato. In this painting Plato is in a conversation with his student Aristotle. The two are at the centre because they are depicting the two different ways of thinking during the Renaissance. Plato is more interested in the real and the physical side of thinking. Plato, like I, is interested in the subjects of music, maths, science and anatomy. I enjoy finding ways that I can apply math to everyday situations and I also enjoy finding reason that everything works in the world and not only accepting that it's amazing. I also am intrigued at about how the human body works, and trying to figure out what is wrong with the body when someone is sick or hurt and how the body repairs it self. Plato was also the teacher of Aristotle and even though I am a student my self I enjoy sharing my knowledge to others and helping them as well. We have so much in common from our intrests to our personalities that is why I believe I would be Plato in "The School of Athens"
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